Thursday, 24 March 2016

VIDEO: Printing our Greeting Cards

Whenever we welcome visitors to our Croxley office they are always fascinated by the processes which go into printing and cutting our cards and the measures we go to to produce a consistently high quality finished greeting card.

So we thought we would give you an insight into what goes on behind the scenes and even share some of our "trade secrets" with you...

In our first clip Seth Woodmansterne introduces you to our enormous (and loud!) printing press and we meet Rod as he checks the finished quality of the printed cards.

Friday, 11 March 2016

What goes into a greeting card?

When making that all-too-important choice of the perfect Woodmansterne card to send, we probably don't give any thought to what the card itself is actually made of.

Woodmansterne pride ourselves on creating the best quality card you can find on the market today, and the composition of the basic material is key to the finished result.  But we are beholden to someone who played a vital role in the development of stationery - someone whose spirit is very close to our hearts.

Let Paul Woodmansterne explain -